Monday, September 5, 2011

Catching up with Elder Abbott in his new area - Balamban

Dateline 8/23/2011     Balamban, Cebu, Philippines
Dear Friends and Family,
Great News! Balamban is great!
First off, last Wednesday was great. We had a fun beach-side activity and played lots of fun Filipino games. Then, Thursday was the going-away party for the elders transferring off of Bohol. Thursday night right around midnight, just as the Elders in my room were about to fall asleep, Elder Rebojo and Elder Buque and Elder Narvasa burst into the room with a birthday poster, 1 candle used for blackouts and empty plastic bottles for noise. Then, Friday was transfer day. Friday morning we got up early to catch the fast craft headed to Cebu. It was just me and Sister Akiatan going to Cebu, so that was some “risky business.” :) The coolest thing ever happened though. As we were sitting in the boat, waiting for our marine voyage to set off, Nanay Carol Billarmeno, the nicest lady in Bohol, ran onto the boat, and gave me a big bag of birthday food; cupcakes, peanut cookies, a canvas bag, and a t-shirt. So nice! She isn't even in my branch, but she found out it was my birthday and got me all that stuff just moments before I put Bohol in my rear-view. It was great, the three of us sang “happy birthday” on the boat then she had to get off because we were about to leave.  

Then, the transfer meeting was great. I saw some of my batch; Elders Taylor and Prescott. Then we made it up to Balamban which is kinda far away, but a really sweet town. It’s definitely the most lively area I've been assigned in, but that being said, it’s not as lively as Cebu City, much less Toledo [biggest town near Balamban]. It is the shipbuilding capitol of the Philippines, though. My companion here, Elder Natividad, is super nice, and pretty Tagalog[-speaking]. But he is diligent, obedient, and very kind. Also the sweet side is that the other Elders in Balamban also live in the House. They are also Tagalog speakers. So in just this last week, I've been learning a little bit of Tagalog. They are all really nice and fun. I like being in the house with 4 people because it helps having lots of people to talk to and unwind with at night.
The work here is sweet, too. We have a couple investigators that are committed, and we almost had one more last night, but she said she still isn't ready. Elder Natividad was saddened greatly.

So I had a great Birthday. I hope you did too Josh. Did I mention I got the singing hamburger card? It was a hit in District meeting. I miss you guys, but not too much since I like the Philippines so much. Thank you also to the Biddison's for the E-card.

I love you all very much, this church is true, read the Book of Mormon, it’s a true book.
Be good. Stay Crazy.
Gugma Elder Abbott

The Tagbilaran Zone. I'll miss these guys. Back Row: E. Rebojo, E. Buque, S. Bruno, E. Narona, Ako [me], E. Fisher, E. Gubb, E. Tingabngab (good luck pronouncing that.) S. Tamolo, S. Fernandez Bottom: E. Manansala, E. Santia, E. Deguidoy, S. Akiatan, E. Adolfo, E. George
The Sign Elder Rebojo, Buque, and Narvasa made for me.

The Balamban District: E. Catipon, E. Menor, Ako [me], E. Natividad

Elder Taylor (my batch) and Me, he's in Siaton right now, my second area!

Elder Prescott (my batch) and Me, I forget where he is right now, he looks like dad right.

Dateline 8/30/2011
Dear Friends and Family,

I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH! Even though most of the Happy-Birthday e-mails were a little late, I digged it. I had a good week, it was hard, but lots of good things happened.

 First, Mission Tour. That was a blast. We started by Wednesday night heading into Toledo to sleep at the Zone Leaders House. Actually before that, let me clear up the confusion about my area. Yes, it is on Cebu Island, but it is no where close to Cebu City. It is arguably one of the furthest areas from the city. It is a nice little “lungsod,” though, or town. It’s more lively than my other areas which is nice, but it isn't anything like Cebu, or Even Toledo (the nearest city). To find it on my mission map, it’s on the backside of Cebu Island facing Negros Island. It is separated from Cebu City by a big mountain range.

 Anyway, so the second we show up on the doorstep of the ZL's house we find out that all the Elders (just about the whole zone was there that night) were going to take a Greenie, Elder Fluckiger (thats his real name), out for his first Balut. The kid could not do it. He put it in his mouth twice and spit it out both times. I really enjoy balut now. I had a couple. Then we head back to the house and make Hot Chocolate (its actually Milo, and its kind of like Instant Breakfast) and did "Zone Shining Moments." That is where everyone in the Zone went around and said something they noticed that’s good about their companion. It was good. We felt the Love. Then, we hit the hay, and woke up at 4:00 AM. The Leaders had to show up at Cebu at 7:00 sharp for a special training with Elder The, the Philippines Area President. The training was good, then straight to the Zone Conference, which was also good. I learned a ton. Elder Teh taught about the Pwede na Current (meaning “It’s sort of allowed”), or the “PNC” that sometimes missionaries slip into and ride in their missions. It’s just a casual look at obedience. He wanted us all to work above that current in the Standards of Excellence. He explains better than I do, and it’s hard to explain in English what "Pwede Na" means. Then we had lunch, pictures and going home. Pretty much after the Zone Conference, though, the week got hard.

Sunday was the climax of the hardness, since no one came to church, the most devastating thing ever!!! And all of our appointments got cancelled. So we just tracted for hours in some of the hottest weather I have ever experienced. Even into the night, we weren't able to share with anyone. Not even at our dinner appointment, with an Investigator, who fed us. The food was great, but then they had other visitors so we had to come back the next week. Discouraging night. But, the last 2 days have been infinitely better. We have been finding people to teach, and this morning we played volleyball with the members, also fun.

So, the other cool thing that happened this week was …. I hit MY 1 YEAR!!!!!!!!! Crazy. So fast. This last year has been the best of my life, no doubt. No doubt about it. So I burned a polo shirt.

 It was good, and liberating.
I look back on this last year and I can see how much I've changed. I still feel like the same old Nik, just with a strong testimony, a purpose in my life, and I'm in great shape (minus the rice belly). Plus I'll definitely be able to grow a beard when I get home. So I have a rock solid testimony of what we call the "The Miracle of the Mission." It is a miracle, for me and more importantly for other people. I love helping people.

Anyway, I love you. I love my area. I love Elder Natividad, my companion. That last transfer with Elder Rebojo was tuff, 3 transfers is a long time to be with anybody.
Be Good. Stay Crazy.
Gugma Elder Abbott

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Catching Up - last few weeks on Bohol

Dateline, 7/26/2011, Dauis, Bohol.
Things are going great. We had an awesome Branch Activity last Saturday.  There were a ton of investigators, too. So it was really “pwede” [Tagalog for “okay”] for us to be there. But there was this member who grew up in the branch but has been living with his family in Jersey for a little over 10 years and they donated a Lechon pig. So that naturally was delicious. It was tough though because our activity like always was on a pristine white beach, and I wasn't allowed to jump in the crystal clear blue waters. But my Future wife is going to be so much hotter because of it. Also we are baptizing a fantastic young lady, Catrena Baron this Saturday. She has been a huge blessing to me in proving that it is very possible that we can soften the hard Catholic hearts here in Dauis.
Also yesterday we saw the Hand of the Lord in work. We visited this lady who went to church in Tagbilaran last Sunday, but she lives in our area she just didn't realize that there was a church closer. So we visited her and asked her why she went to church, and she said like a few years ago, a guy named Alma, visited her house and invited her to come to church, she never acted on that invitation until now, but she seems crazy nice. She's so smart because she calls us "Elders" already, that usually takes months for some investigators. She's way nice, but she is living with her boyfriend and they have baby (That’s a huge problem here in the Philippines, because getting divorced is illegal). But she said she is planning on marrying him, so hopefully one day she will receive the Gospel.
Aside from that, things are just going on. It’s been probably our most successful transfer up to now here in Dauis, which is great.
Aside from all that, I'll just throw out some “shout-outs.”
- Tania, I got the letter I mailed you back in the mail because you moved I guess, So, expect 2 letters now and a whole bunch of pictures.
- Courtney, Got her mission call!!!!!!! Chicago (so gangster) Spanish speaking (Also really gangster). Learning a language in the mission is the best, Also Serving a mission is the best.
- Also Congratulations on the Baby, Brother Moore, thanks a ton for the letter.
I think that’s it, I got a bunch of mail (mostly my batch from the MTC) last night so I'm thrilled.
Anyways Be Good. Stay Crazy.
Gugma Elder Abbott

Dateline 8/2/2011
I got an outpouring of love from my family this week, Erika emailed me, which is good timing because I was thinking how long it’s been since one of my siblings wrote me. The picture of Britta-Ann (I call her that to be fair) was too cute. I miss her, and I haven't even met her yet! Also thank you kaayo (very much), Biddison family.

As far as work goes. We had a baptism and it was great, because it logistically went off without a hitch, except for some speaker topic confusion. But the best was Catrena's mom came and participated and enjoyed the service, she really likes us missionaries. It was excellent timing because the Relief Society was having a cookie-baking activity right before the service, so lots of members were at the church to participate in the service, also I got some peanut-butter cookies, so rare.

In other news, I got the package. It must have flown on two cherubim, because it got here in record time. I'm pumped for some of the tasty treats, and the district says thank you for the tootsie pops! The ants got to them, but we don't mind picking them off/ eating them. It’s unreal how many ants I just eat now.

Then, last Monday we had an Area Attack, which is where all 10 elders in the District come and tract one area for a few hours. It was sweet because it was in Dauis. It helps a lot. On the downside, it turns out born-agains are just as hard headed/hearted as Catholics because all of the sweet referrals we got were born-agains and they started fearing man more than God and asked to stop our visits.

As for other cool things, Me and the “Canadian Bacon” Elder Fisher went on splits and did some serious work. We walked into the Devils Gullet (which is where Catrena lives, it’s a Catholic village) and got Catrena's mom to sign the Baptismal record. Catrena's mom had no problem, it was just the other people that didn't want Mormons talking to them. Also a tourist drove by on his motorcycle and shouted "There's Mormons all the way out here! It’s a little far away from Utah!" I don't let it get me down though.
Well that’s about it, I finally got to send a bunch of pictures, I have a TON more but you'll just to wait til I get home I guess, because I filled up a memory card.
Be Good. Stay Crazy. This Church is sooooooo true. I know it.
Gugma Elder Abbott

1)Baptism for Catrena Baron. Her little brother, the little boy posing, is a riot. A butterfly flew into the room while one of the speakers was speaking and he went nuts trying to catch it. 
2)This is a sweet old guy playing the guitar at the branch activity, it was a stole shot.
3) Us at Kawasan Falls 
4) District team Photos
5)District Team Photos from behind
6) Me about to eat a lechon Pig, soooo good
7) Me holding 2 baby monkeys in diapers.

Dateline 8/9/2011
This was another Fantastic week! The highlight was that we have 2 Brand New committed for baptism this September!!! One of them was a random, very inspired I2L [Invite to Listen?]. Last Monday when the whole district was area attacking Dauis we took an Ice Candy break. It was delicious ice candy loaded with real mango - only 5 pesos - but the real highlight was that the lady selling the Ice candy was like, "How does someone become a member of your church?" That’s an Inspired question if I ever heard one. So it turns out she wants her daughter to listen to our discussions, and sure enough on Sunday afternoon we committed her. Then our other new committed is a lady that was referred to us by some members. She wants to join the church because she saw how her neighbors used to be palahubogs (Drunkards), but now they have a happy family with zero drunkenness. So she wants that with her family. Her husband is less than enthusiastic about it. But she is way into it and wants to be baptized. This could be a family. They have like 5 little kids.

Also, I know it says that we aren't allowed to keep pets and all, but we have tookoo, the tall lizard things that can cure AIDS, that lives in our bedroom. It scared me so bad on Monday night when I was taking off my tie in front of the mirror and I notice in my reflection a giant tookoo on the wall behind me. (picture included) So Elder Rebojo was a little freaked out and asked me to grab it and throw it out of the house. He went back downstairs so I wrapped a shirt around my hand and stared at the stinking lizard, for about 5 minutes, trying to draw up the courage to throw my hand at the tookoo's face. I decided to make it a matter of prayer. I did NOT feel the spirit testify that it was a good idea, so after making a half-hearted attempt (mostly so I could tell people that I tried), it ran further away and I decided to just pray that it would not bite us. Sure enough, it’s still there and we are fine. He did poop on my bed yesterday which is a bummer, but we don't mind him anymore. We are actually moving houses in Dauis at the end of the month. 

Yesterday we had a Zone Community Service Project in Bohol. We moved rocks (picture included) from a river bed, up a hill, through a couple of rice fields, past an angry cow, to an Investigators house. It was kapoy [tiring] work. Then we also spent some time breaking them up into little pieces so they could sell them. I guess it’s to make concrete. It is some very humbling work. Some people get paid 25 million dollars a year to play basketball, these guys barely scrape out a living hauling rocks and smashing them with home-made hammers. But on the flip-side these guys are close to receiving the gospel, so who is really the richest?

So there’s your spiritual thought. Pilar is really far away from Dauis so I got to see almost the entire Island of Bohol. Got some nice landscape shots, also included.

Be Good. Stay Crazy.
Gugma Elder Abbott

The tookoo that sleeps in our room now, he has a kind and cute face but he is really big and freaks Elder Rebojo out. 

A cool picture of a Philippines seaside town, somewhere near Jagna, Bohol.

Some Elementary Kids that were going crazy seeing white people in Pilar, Bohol

these were the rocks we were moving. Really tiring.

Elder Fisher (taga Canada), Elder your son, Elder Gubb (taga New Zealand)

Dateline 8/16/2011
Maayong Odto! Mga Kaigsoonan!

Big week, big because my waist expanded a bunch. Sunday was a great day. It was Branch Conference, and we had a ton of investigators show up, which made us look great! But more importantly than looking great was that they all seemed to really enjoy the time there. One commented that church was “delicious,” because she felt like she was actually learning things. Then Sunday kicked off  Fiesta. Pretty sure they don't have that in the States but it’s a Catholic holiday. All the neighborhoods near the Catholic church celebrate their Patron Saint. Anyway so admittedly Mormons shouldn't be celebrating Fiesta, but a lot of members are still bound by tradition and they claim, that it’s not ok to worship saints, but it is Ok to cook a lot of food and give it to everyone. That is exactly what happens at Fiesta. So anyway, long story short we ate a ton of food on Sunday, like a ton. Then on Monday after District Meeting, instead of going out to eat like usual we all went to my area and ate at a members house. It was packed. It was the most people I had ever seen in Dauis. There was also soooo much food. So that was a good ol' time.

I'm just going to let you all know that I'm getting transferred, on my Birthday [8/19]. I'm going to CEBU!!!!! I'm finally going to be able to visit the temple. I'm headed to Balamban, Cebu. Elder Natividad is my new Companion and I'm District Leader, which is really scary.

So that is pretty much it. I'll miss Dauis, but I can proudly say I do not have any regrets there, I worked as hard as I could, and I feel like the area is a lot stronger than when I got here. I'll miss the people, but now I get to meet new people.

I love you a bunch. Be good. Stay Crazy.
Gugma Elder Abbott
Mango Float, delicious Filipino desert, easy to make, I'll be bringing home the recipe, you can probably find it online.

Cortez District, eating at the Risponte house.

Me with the Telmo Family, super nice people.