Sunday, November 21, 2010


Things are going great! As usual, I'm super happy all the time and love being a missionary. It helps that I get to look at the ocean everyday and then hike through the jungle. Hopefully, I'll be able to send some pictures to you this week. I get to go to Cebu in a few hours for 2 days. Since there is a leadership training and everyone in my house is a leader but me, they have to take me along. I guess I'm going to work in city zone for a couple of days, which I hear is radically different then the Camotes. But, I hear literally every district is different than Camotes. I wouldn't have it any other way. My trainer is really good, by the way. He pushes me really hard and I've seen some very positive results. He's been making me teach lessons in Bisayat every day since I've been here. It’s hard but I enjoy it and surprisingly the people understand me. I just have no idea what they say to me when I ask a question, but that’s slowly improving.

It’s been a great week as far as the work goes. It went by really fast. Wednesday night we witnessed a miracle. Remember Gwen? Her and her two sisters are getting baptized December 4 because we saw them on the street. Well, Wednesday night we finished teaching a lesson at the Perez house and were hiking back to the road, and the second we hit the road Gwen and Rowena drove by on the their motor. They stopped and were all happy to see us. We got to talking and they said they've been having some problems and Gwen’s ex-boyfriend started choking her. Crazy! So we went to her house and shared a quick message. We talked about 1 Nephi 3:7 and how the Lord has a plan for all of us. She thanked us and we left. Then last night we had FHE at her house and she talked about the experience last Wednesday night and how she thinks that this is all part of God’s plan to get her baptized, since she wasn't able to in the past because she was living with her boyfriend. So we have been very excited and very grateful. We thought about our meeting on the road. It was wild. If we had literally stayed 2 seconds longer or shorter at the Perez house, we would have missed them - not a coincidence.

Aside from that, the work moves along. I'm enjoying FHE's more and more since I understand more and more. They are fun because there are always a million little kids and they love missionaries. Like yesterday we got dropped off by our ZL's for an appointment and there were these 3 little kids outside of where our car was and they all started cheering when they saw us, and gave us all high fives and followed us up the hill.   

That’s pretty much it. I love you all a ton. The weirdest thing I ate this week was pig intestine. No Balut yet. It’s not very popular in Camotes.

Be cool, be good, Gugma Elder Abbott

P.S. Read Alma chapter 26. It’s my favorite in the Book of Mormon. It’s weird, Ammon used to be my favorite as a kid because he cut off all the arms of people, now he's my favorite for other reasons.

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