Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Choco Buns

Originally sent 02/08/2011

Dear Family and Friends
How are you? I'm doing great. I'm really tired. I just got back from Cebu which was a blast, but I didn't sleep at all yesterday. All the Americans in the mission had to go to get their fingers printed for Visas and stuff. We went down to Dumaguete Monday night and slept at the District Leader's (Elder Fischer he's cool and Canadian) house. But there were almost 10 missionaries and branch missionaries hanging out there, and since our bus to Cebu left at 3 in the morning, very little sleep was had. Then we get on the bus which drives onto a ferry and crosses over to Cebu island and then drives up the coast. So we all had to try to sleep on a bus, for 5 hours. It didn't really happen, but I got to watch the sunrise over Bohol from the coast of Cebu while a missionary was asleep on my shoulder. It’s an experience. Then we get to Cebu and I got to see Elder Taylor and Elder Swicegood form my MTC batch. I hadn't seen either of them yet since they are in Bohol right now, but it was a really happy re-union. Then Elder Gertge and my last companion Elder Bajan came in from Camotes. So that was great. I can't remember if I told you that my replacement in Camotes was Elder Gertge one of my MTC companions. Then at one that afternoon we hopped on a bus and went back to Dumaguete, and we didn't get back to Siaton till 8:30. So we planned quickly and I went to bed. Needless to say I was 5 minutes a disobedient missionary this morning when my alarm went off at 6:00. But it was a really fun trip. I really miss my batch and they are all turning into stud missionaries.

So we walked a bunch this last week, like a nasty amount. And we got dropped from a few investigators which is heart breaking. But we hopefully have picked up 2 more families which are my favorite to teach. I weighed myself in Cebu for the first time here in the field. I weighed:
161 (naked) when I entered the MTC.
165 (with gym clothes on no shoes) when I left the MTC.
I weighed 154 (with church clothes on, no shoes) yesterday.
So I've lost over seven pounds here in the field, but I've got a rice belly and rice cheeks. So I need to eat more I guess, because I really didn't want to get skinnier on my mission. Which is why this e-mail is called Choco Buns. I was at my favorite panaderia (bakery) and I asked the lady there what this this roll was called. (I thought it was some cinnamon roll) but she said "Choco Buns!" it was kinda funny.

Anyway, you guys are great. I'm a big fan of all of you. Write me and send me pictures of yourselves, especially of my friends, especially of Joey since I don't have one of him and I don't have one of Elder Kaleb, so one of those would be dynamite. Also, is Josh putting his papers in this month, because he totally can? That's crazy!

Stay good and let everyone know I love them, Everyone.
Gugma Elder Abbott  

P.S. pictures! The first is me and some of my batch at last transfer meeting. We are all grown up. (Elder Gertge, Elder Ashdown, Elder Pasikala, Elder Prescott, and Me)
and the other is my farewell party in Camotes. Notice all the kids are making faces or posing. I love the kids here.

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