Sunday, February 20, 2011

The times they are a changing

Dear family, friends, and everyone else not sitting on a cushioned seat! (I hope Mom gets that)

First off, I'm totally attaching pictures! 

 The first is of my current Companion, Elder Angeles. He is a handsome sucker, and his accent is crazy cool. 

 Second is me one night before our dinner appointment while Elder Angeles was in the CR - I was praying, I swear. 

 And third is a pretty big spider that I found in the bathroom one night. I'm not sure how clear the picture is, but it was much taller than my nametag.

Ok, now that that is out of the way, tell Kaleb he is a BOSS! He's on fire, and his e-mails are very well written. His e-mails and the preach my gospel DVD's we use in district meeting make me realize how different the mission is in the states. It seems “chada” over there. Also tell him that I enjoy the E-mails, but I would really enjoy a written letter and a picture of him as a missionary. And let him know that he can expect one coming his way once I find time to write letters on P-day. [editor’s note: from on Bisayan, “
Chada is a word that is unique to Cagayan de Oro. It is used to refer to anything pretty, nice, or good.”]

Speaking of which, in about hour I'm going over to the Zamboanguita Zoo for a zone activity. YES! Which means there will be other Americans and I'll be able to speak english to them. I'll send pictures next week.

So, I titled my email after Bobby, because big things are happening in Siaton. First and foremost, Armado came to church and has a baptismal date! Even better, the Branch LOVED him. He actually answered questions of his own free will in Sunday School and got to know a bunch of members. The Branch is excited because he is the first investigator over the age of 16 to come to church since before May. It seems like Siaton has been in a bit of a dry spell. Also a big deal, we have been getting almost no help from the Branch President. Sometimes he does more damage. Anyway on Friday he texted Nanay and asked if the elders could bless his baby boy because he was sick. So we did and then afterwards he offered to come with us to an appointment the next day, which was great. It was perfect since we were teaching the sacrament. Then on Sunday a new Branch Mission Leader was called so we may actually have PEC meeetings which would be so great. So big things are changing.

I need to go because I have to catch a bus, but I love you all. Tell Josh to keep his chin up, because I think of him all the time. Kaleb is a beast, keep up the great work. Does he have a car? My siblings are great. Stay wild, you guys.

Gugma, Elder Abbott   

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