Thursday, December 16, 2010

Day old lechon pig

So, the enemy has made an all out assault on the “Camotes Kings” (the elders who serve here). Sunday was going to be the happiest night of our lives - we had 2 dinner appointments! Elder Bajan and I were tracting the mountain behind our house, and then around dusk we stopped by the house for some water. It was locked, but the second we got there, Sister Malou (our next door neighbor/landlord/storekeeper/our mom/our best friend/not a member) told us to pray to begin her father’s birthday party. Then, she takes us to the backyard and there are like 30 people gathered around and she told me to bless the food. I was like, ”no problem.” I bless it and then they start dishing us out some food. We were torn - 3 dinner appointments? Could we do it? We were going to try. I started eating. I told myself just a little. I was feeling good, then Tatay brings out a plate of lechon pig for us. Elder Bajan has high blood [pressure], so he can’t eat lechon pig. So, I "had" to start downing it. It was delicious. Then we finished up, thanked them a million times and went back to work. About an hour and a half later we had our other appointment – it was super delicious. Then, we went to our third dinner – amazing! I was so happy and slept so well that night. The next day was bad. I don't want to go into a ton of detail, but our bathroom was being used at all times. We had district meeting in the morning. Then in the afternoon, when we went out to work, we put our stomachs in the Lord’s hands, because if you think our bathroom is bad, our investigator's is ..... Anyway, Satan tried to shut us down with day old lechon pig, but we beat him. Moral of the story. God always wins. 

Aside from that, my new companion, Elder Bajan, is really diligent and really great and my new Zone Leader, Elder Torrie, is great too. He is from Canada and we get along great. He and Elder Stirland are real tight.

We've been doing a lot of tracting and going all over this mountain. My legs are ripped. I love it! We have been picking up a bunch of new investigators. Also, Elder Ko and President Hansen visit this week, so wish us luck. Let’s hope everyone remembers to come to church.

Gugma Elder Abbott

P.S. Keep Benjamin in your prayers, he's having trouble with his gang.

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