Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Dear Family,

This week was pretty wild. Last Thursday and Friday we went to Cebu for Zone Conference. It was a blast! Now that I'm not in the newest batch of missionaries in the mission and I'm used to the language (and when I travel on the public transportation in the city I don't look terrified), trips to Cebu aren't as bad. It was a blast meeting a ton of Elders. We learned some good stuff about how to be better missionaries, and then, the First Presidency gave us all Christmas Cards, and President and Sister Hansen gave us these sweet Cebu Temple tie tacks. Just what I always wanted, it’s perfectly right.
Then the next night, Saturday, Elder Ko visited the Island Paradise of Camotes. President and Sister Hansen came and the AP's. The AP's slept with us which was a blast since the newest AP, Elder Elmer is “batch” with Elder Torrie (batch means they were in the same district in the MTC together). He's super cool. Then, Elder Ko came to church and had a special meeting where he said if the Branch doubled their members they would become a ward and would get a chapel. That’s crazy awesome! The branch is only a year old and already has almost 100 members. There were like 12 members when it started. So everyone is pretty excited about that. Then, we found out that one our families will get baptized this Christmas! Then, Elder Ko sat down with the missionaries and we had a meeting about the development here in Camotes. Cool stuff.
So about this phone call home, I'm super excited to talk to you all. It doesn't really feel like Christmas, we listen to Christmas music and stuff but it’s different. We bought a ton of gravy and me and Elder Torrie are making mashed potatoes.
Also Elder Torrie just told me the Provo Tabernacle burned down. WHAT! Crazy. He showed me the pictures of Jesus that remained unburned.
And now for the weirdest thing I ate this week: This week is a surprise. Friday morning before Zone Conference we ate breakfast at a little burger stand in the city. Let’s just say I don't plan on returning. Beef over here is rare and hard to find. My guess is this wasn't beef. It was really hard to feel the spirit for a couple of hours if you know what I mean.
Well, I love all of you. I got a letter from Danny so he is my favorite friend this week.

Gugma Elder Abbott

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