Thursday, December 9, 2010

Hapit na Pasko!

Well, it sounds like you all are totally having Christmas. Here, I usually forget that Christmas is so close since I'm always sweating and telling people to repent. But it’s all good. Pasko [Christmas in Cebuano] is close and I am getting pumped! I have a feeling I'm gonna eat some crazy stuff.

As for my first baptism - it was Dope! [i.e. Great!] I got to do it in the ocean first off, which is a two-edged sword, because I slipped and almost went all the way under a few times as we journeyed out to deeper water. It was so cool - there were like a hundred of these purple jellyfish things in the water. It looked pretty dope. Then, I baptized for the first time. One girl kept popping her elbow up but aside from that it went very well. They shared their testimonies and it was great. All around a perfect experience.

Transfers just hit. Literally. We got the call 10 minutes ago. My new Companion is going to be Elder Bajan, who I hear is crazy nice. He is a little Filipino like Elder Deguidoy, which are my favorite. So I'm excited for that. Elder Tan is moving to City Zone as a Zone Leader. Elder Tan loves the city, so It’s perfect for him. City Zone is generally where they put the rowdy elders because it is close to the President and the AP's, but his companion, Elder Gubb, is super nice and from New Zeleand. And I'm still in Camotes!

Aside from all that, God continues to bless us with amazing investigators. We're teaching one guy right now named Antonito Estrera, and his family. He is blind, but crazy nice and an amazing listener. He catches everything we tell him. He and his wife aren't married yet, but they are working on it, because they really want to be baptized. All in all life is great here in Camotes. I can almost speak the language, but I'm no where near fluent. Keep me in all of your prayers.

Gugma, Elder Abbott

p.s. No pictures this week, the computer I'm using aint having it. I got some sweet ones, though, so get excited.

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