Thursday, January 20, 2011

Adto na Ko

Dear Family!

Big news! As you could probably tell from the title, I GOT TRANSFERRED!
Tomorrow, I leave the Island Paradise of Camotes probably for good. Which is too bad, but the good news is: I'm headed to Negros, in the city called Siaton (Shaw-tone). I hear it’s gorgeous. It’s like Camotes, "Bukid" which is exactly how I like it. I'm really pumped.
(Siaton is on the southern tip of Negros.)

Camotes has been a blast, though. I have learned a ton, especially Bisayan. After the first transfer, it wasn't so bad, like you said I'm more used to the culture here. There are some things here I will probably do still when I get home, like the smell my hand thing. I feel like it just does a better job than what we use in America. I'm gonna miss the people here, though, especially the Estrera family. They are wicked awesome. This week was cool. We picked up a bunch of new investigators this week. It’s a lot different here, I hear, than America. The people are super nice and they will listen, but follow up appointments are a joke, since a lot of them don't have any clocks or know what day it is. And, they don't really like changing religions, since Catholicism is easy and what they are used to. But I love them. I really like the food. I'm a big fan of the bread here. Also, fun fact; Camotes has gone green! Which means we don't have any power any more. Sometimes at night we do. That’s why I'm emailing right now. But I've learned I don't need it. We just iron our shirts beforehand, and stop using the refrigerator. But we don't have lights I guess, and Electric Fans are a luxury. Except there was a crazy storm that rolled in, and we were a little worried since we weren't going to be able to get fresh water, or go to Cebu, if it turned into a serious storm. It turned out alright, and it didn't keep us from "Kicking Satan’s Butt."

So, I'll share a spiritual thought this week. From my personal study this morning actually, I read D&C 45 (I think) verse 8. And Jesus mentions how he was rejected when he lived here on the earth, and at the same time I've been reading Jesus the Christ, and I'm at the Crucifixion right now (Almost done, cuz I'm a boss) and I realized, that people rejected him when they saw miracles, and heard him speak, and he was the Son of God. I'm just a missionary, so I guess I shouldn't be surprised at how many people reject our message. But not everyone rejects us, because God has a plan for us. All of us. So I don't know, think about it, it doesn't really apply as well since you’re not all missionaries, and if you are, you probably shouldn't be reading this. But I thought it was nice.

Anyway, Josh told me that he wanted to hear the grossest thing I ate lately. After Balut, it was probably just some really ugly fish. It was good though. I just realized I'm going to miss Elder Deguidoy's cooking. Maybe Elder Angeles, my new companion, will be a chef, cuz I'm not.

That’s about it tonight. I love the heck out of all of you. I wish Erika Luck with the baby. Send my love to Josh and Carrissa. I can't believe Michael is walking. Tell Jasi she is great. Tell Omi I got her postcard and it was great.

Stay Wild.
Gugma, Elder Abbott      

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