Friday, January 14, 2011

I hate the rain

Dearest Family and Friends: I love you. This week was really good. Actually it was really hard but I learned a lot.

First off the Christmas packages were the best!
Sister Brownlee - Thank you so much! I think I know what the tissue is for, so let me just say thanks. Also the pictures from the kids were great. There was this one from I'm not sure who, but it said "Thanks for making sad people Happy." Bingo, that totally nailed it on the head, I thought. I'll probably laminate it or something. The snacks were great, there are 4 elders in my house, so they went pretty fast. Filipino elders are a big fan of Trail Mix. I had no idea.

Dear Mom and Dad- Your package was amazing. I'm not sure where the rumor that I love sunflower seeds came from, but I ended up with 3 big bags of them. It’s a good snack while I wade through Jesus the Christ. The best was the Nutella. The bread here in the Philippines is like the best I've ever had, so the Nutella went by way fast. The Pinoy elders loved it. The Skittles are boss. Elder Deguidoy thought there was chocolate inside, so he was a little disappointed. The Summer Sausage was inspired. Unfortunately, one of them got eaten by rats on the plane/boat ride over to the Philippines. It was really disgusting and moldy when I opened it, but the other one was the best thing in the world, so don't worry. Elder Torrie and I destroyed that thing! We even splurged and bought Cheez Whiz for our crackers. That probably felt and tasted most like Christmas.

So, that was a great start to the week. This week was really hard. We've been struggling to find some new investigators, but we have some promising progressing ones right now. But finally, these last couple of days, we've finally found some really awesome new Investigators! So, hopefully it will work out. It’s been really rainy lately, which is the worst, since we walk in the mud all day. And people are nowhere to be found when it rains. Funny story: we were walking to an appointment on Sunday night, and we were walking down an actual paved road and a guy in a truck pulls up and says get in. So, we hop in the back and he takes us to the appointment. So, of course, we set up a date to teach him and what not. Then, yesterday evening we're walking to an appointment and the same thing happens, a guy on a motorcycle pulls up and says he's headed to Lungsod (town) and will give us a ride for free. So, we hop on since our appointment is on the way into town. We hop off and take his information. Bingo! God literally just gave us 2 investigators. It’s awesome! Also, that ride last night puts my new maximum for people on one motorcycle to 5! I've seen 7, but I've only experienced 5. Actually, public transportation here in the Philippines (the city, not some bukid areas like Camotes) is really, really good. However, it’s a lot like that time I fit 13 people in my car.  It’s wild how many people they put in those jipneys! There is a joke that goes, “How many people can you fit in a jipney? Always one more.”

Anyway, long story short I'm still a missionary, so it still rocks. I feel like I'm getting a belly from all this rice, but at the same time I feel like I'm in the best shape of my life.

I love you all. You should all write me or even email me I'm ok with that too.

Be good.

Gugma Elder Abbott

p.s. I just got your e-mail. The news about SDSU is huge! I loved it. Also, I thought I made it very clear when I said there was not toilet paper that I just had to become accustomed to the culture. People do usually check their hands when we shake, but we always carry rubbing alcohol, so it’s no big problem. A dirty hand won't keep me from saving your soul! Sometimes, when I give the kids high fives their hands are very dirty and I'm a little suspicious as to what I just slapped. I love everyone alot, tell Chris and Erika to drive safe and be good and teach their daughter how to say my name before I get home.

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