Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Hey Kids, can you rock and roll?

 [Sent by Elder Abbott 03/08/2011]

I can.

Dear Family and friends, I am in a good mood.

Why am I in a good mood? Because I'm a missionary lagi. [lagi means something like “of course” or “really”] And because Amado got baptized last Thursday and received the Holy Ghost last Sunday.  So naturally we are focusing on his wife. She isn't as quick on the uptake as Amado was. We showed her the Restoration DVD (In Cebuano! I reccomend listening to in Cebuano its totally dope.) and afterward the discussion was going really well and Elder Cabrera (my new comp, more about him later) shared about fruits of a prophet and she was like, “Oh yeah, Joseph Smith has fruits, those berries.” (In the first scene, Joseph picks some blackberries.) So we will just have to take it slowly.

On the plus side, I have a new companion. Elder Cabrera. He is my first companion not from Mindanao. (I nailed the spelling) So he speaks Tagalog. On the down side, he is really good at English, so sometimes it’s a temptation to speak in English, since he usually does. But I need to persevere. He's pretty funny. He's really bright, and he spent a transfer with a master Bible Basher, so he can use the Bible really, well but he doesn't bash which is great.

Elsewhere in Siaton, things are still just tumbling along. This is a tough area because it is HUGE and plete [“fare”, i.e. transportation costs] is a huge factor in coming to church. So he we have to like convert them before they come to church, which is a chore. We are working this old man pretty hard right now. We really want him because he is son of God, but also because he is a Seventh Day Adventist. And they are notoriously hard to baptize, ultimately, because Sunday worship isn't terribly clear in the scriptures. I mean it’s clear, but Saturday worship is more clear. He's great though since he reads the Book of Mormon, so we feel like his testimony will come around any time.

Also one of the best parts of Elder Cabrera is that he likes Balut. Elder Angeles never bought balut (or any foods), so it’s been a while since my last balut. But now we will eat balut all the time, and I will not regret it.

That story about Britta is incredible and there really isn't any way I'll be able to top Erika as favorite, which is disappointing. But ultimately I am just saying that the clock is now ticking for little Britta (Brits-town) to be able to say "I love you uncle Elder Nik!" So stop flaunting your new-born baby and get to work, Erika. Also, tell Sister Anderson that its totally cool to e-mail me Kaleb's letters. I just can't email him or her directly.

Well thats about it, Happy Birthday Day Mom!

Stay crazy.
Gugma Elder Abbott

P.S. The first photo is brother Amado's baptismal service (not at an ocean)

and second, are companionship photos of me and Elder Cabrera at the house last night. 

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