Wednesday, March 16, 2011

I really liked fried eggplant

[Sent by Elder Abbott 03/01/2011]

Dear friends and family,
This week has been pretty slow, not too much to report, except we are baptizing Amado tomorrow and he is really really really excited! He is a funny guy. We went to his house yesterday afternoon and we were like, "Where is he?" And then, SHOOF! he comes sliding down a coconut tree. So we drank coconut juice and filled out his baptismal record. He told us all about his plan to bring his family to church, so they can get baptized too.
Also, Elder Angeles found out he is getting transferred, so I'll have my fourth companion in as many transfers, so give a warm welcome to Elder Cabrera, I hear he is very nice.
We got a golden referral from Hong Kong (that's in China), so that was boss and its not just one middle aged lady, but two! So we are all very excited about that.
Aside from that not much to report.
Happy birthday Mom!!!!! 22 right?

I'm really not sure what else to write. Friday was my 6 month mark. That's really really crazy. I still feel really new.

As for Bishop Cherrington, my advice as far as physical preparations might be a little rough since we don't have conventional means to do a lot of things like laundry (it is all done by hand), and I have not had to sew anything yet. Usually cooking is pretty easy too. I learned how to cook rice, in or out of a rice cooker, and I usually just fry my food to go on top. I really like this stuff called corned beef and egg, fried up with soy sauce. 

But I do want to give some advice as far as cultural things go. If you go to a foreign country, don't act like an American. Eat whatever they give you. Eat like them, don't be a picky eater. Just do everything you can to be like them, I hear stories from the members of American missionaries that wouldn't eat fish or rice or something. Just eat it, you'll begin to like it. I promise, and the people will like you a lot more.
Spiritually, I don't really have any advice that won't sound cliche, except READ the Book of Mormon, everyday. I wasn't very good at it, and I wish I had started reading it sooner. It's incredible! Read Preach My Gospel, especially chapter 3. Eat it up! I learn new things every time I read it. Try and go on splits with the missionaries, if they are still in the ward. You will learn a ton from working with them. MOST IMPORTANTLY, dont wait - start saving now. And 4 months before you turn 19, turn in those papers! College can wait, work can wait. Trust me, you will be so glad you went because it is the most fun in the world! Last, but not least, try and get sent to the Cebu Philippines Mission, because it is the best!

I hope that helps. If I think of more stuff this coming week (I probably will), I will include it in next weeks letter.

I love you all. Be good. Does my niece have a name or is she still "that baby"?

Gugma Elder Abbott

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