Sunday, June 5, 2011

Mongoes and cheap Sprite

Dear friends and family!

This was a little bit of a slower week, and we are pretty much re-vamping our investigator pool. It’s all good. We have tracted Satan out of one half of the island last transfer, so Elder Rebojo and I will tract Satan out of the other half this transfer. And, if I'm here next transfer, I'll track Satan out of Panglao, too! One of the biggest blessings this last week was that we finally found a Karnenderia! Or in English, a cheap place to eat! The best things about Karnenderia's is that they are soooo cheap and so fast that we don't have to waste a bunch of time cooking. Unfortunately, its kind of far away from the house (really far) so we can only eat there when we are working in that area. The best part is I've eaten Mongoes (second favorite dish here in the Philippines. It’s like peas I guess, but this recipe has some other vegetables and entire fishes, little fishes, but I still just stare at their beady little eyes and then slurp them up in one bite.) and this way boss Lumpyia 2 times in a row now.  Which reminds me that we may be moving this transfer (hopefully). Every missionary in Dauis for the last few years has been looking for an apartment or house in the part of Dauis where the church and almost all the members are. We finally did it! So hopefully that goes through, it would save so much money on our nightly motorcycle ride home.

Also, last Monday we were going to a service project and I guess I stepped in some animal pooh outside the ZL's house, and as I reached down to take off my sandal I got it on my hand. It didn't phase me even a little bit. My district leader pointed out that it probably would have bothered me a lot more a year ago. Which is probably true.

Also last week I hit my 1 year mark of me turning in my papers to President Wilkinson. Where did all that time go? That summer felt like forever, then I hit the mission and it has just soared. Does this mean Josh is getting his call in a week or two. I'm so excited for him I could pee. I'm throwing down my guesses. If he goes stateside (I don't think he will), he's headed to Riverside California. If he goes foreign its gonna be somewhere cold, like an Argentina mission down at the bottom of the world. He will see penguins down there. So good luck with that, Josh. 

That’s pretty much all I got. I got way hungry for pork ribs when you guys mentioned Memorial Day. Barbecue here isn't the same because its usually chicken or fish, never beef and occasionally (if you’re rich) pork. But the first thing I do when I get home is eating a nice juicy steak. Then I'm headed to Porters Place. But that’s a while away. 

I love you guys a ton. Be good. Stay Crazy.
gugma Elder Abbott
p.s. I'm sending a bunch of pictures because the connection is strong here, I really hope Mom is making a scrapbook. 

this is a nice little view of Bohol (thats the more bukid side of Tagbilaran city, its a pretty small city) from my area.

  Elder Rebojo and I at our last activity at the white sandy beaches of Panglao.

Our last zone service Project at an Elementary school in Tagbilaran.

Me and Elder Rebojo after the 50th year jubilee celebration.

Me and Elder Rebojo with the Telmo Family after the jubilee.     

I think this is all the Elders in Bohol (2 zones).

     Nanay Vicky and Bro. Boboy Caldoro, they are the first members from Dauis (2nd from Bohol) and are super nice (Nanay Vicky loves me). 

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