Monday, June 13, 2011

When I was your age plete was 6 pesos.

Dear Friends and Family,

Dad, thanks for the update, it sounds like America is doing things their style. I'm not anxious to go home, politics here in the Philippines is all in Tagalog so I don't understand any of it. I miss watching sports a bunch. As we walked out of the house this morning our Landlord (our houses are next to each other separated only by a concrete wall.) was watching game 4 [NBA Champoionship], the temptation to ask how it was going was kind of nasty. But we didn't, I'm sure I'll find out later today, probably while I get a haircut. I'm also WAYYYYYY jealous that you get to go to Boston. Maybe you'll see Tagg (as made famous by The Yaks). His family moved back over there last summer. Keep an eye out. Also Fenway Park, are you kidding me? Did Colton ever get his call, or at least open it? I'm pumped for him. Also, we totally are getting a new mission president this July. President Schmutz. Hehehe, can you believe that name? He seems like a stud. Although President Hansen is kind of the man. I gained sooooo much respect for him this last Monday at Zone Conference. He was given an offer to pitch for the Padres, Dad, I don't know why he turned it down, I think he wanted to focus on his career in education. But he could have been Trevor Hoffman! Also, he gave a way amazing workshop about John 21, the part where Jesus feeds his apostles fish and bread on the shore. Talk about your obscure verses, but he made it crystal clear that that is the way the spirit teaches. So, that is the way we should teach. Then we watched a segment of an MTC devotional by Jeffrey R. Holland (probably my favorite apostle. Is it ok to have favorites? He is tied with L. Tom Perry.) about the "If you love me, feed my sheep" segment of the same chapter. You guys should check it out and show it to the priests quorum. It will make you want to be a missionary soo bad. That’s why I'm totally living the dream – right - now.

Anyway, this last week was about 5000X better than last. I shouldn't say that. Last week was ok, but this one is going pretty well. We picked up a neat new family, and they made us lunch before we even taught them the first time. Also, we visited JR and it seems like if we play our cards right, we can convince him to continue on the path to baptism. That was a boost. Zone Conference went well in just about every aspect. We found a guy who is a cousin of our branch president, and wants us to visit him because he wants to stop drinking. We can do that. So things are really beginning to look up for us here. I also found a wayyyyy sweet tie (100% wool, hand-woven in Scotland) at the Oki-oki (Philippines version of a Deseret Industries, except you can barter the prices way down) last p-day.

We are feeling the gas price hike here in the Philippines. Plete (is that an english word? [No, it means fare.] I don't know but even President and Sister Hansen use it so I'm not sure) is 8 pesos now which bites. It was 7 when I got here, and when my District Leader got here it was only 6. Sometimes the drivers even have the gall to give me 2 pesos back when I give them a 20. Also yesterday we visited a member, and we saw the last 10 minutes of Space Jam, in Tagalog! So that was a blast. I miss that movie, I miss Michael Jordan, I really miss Bill Murray (I forgot he was in that), he was funny even though I didn't know what he was saying.

I think this is everything I was planning on saying. I can't really think of any other way cool things that happened to us. Except of course that we preached the gospel by the power and authority of God. That was pretty awesome!

I love every last one of you. I miss you. I've had a lot of Grandaddy songs stuck in my head. [
Grandaddy was an American indie rock band, formed in 1992, from Modesto, California.] I forgot most of the words to A.M. 180 [one of Grandaddy’s songs, used for a while in 2008 to advertise the Dodge Journey], which is too bad, but it’s for the best. Be good. Stay Crazy.
Gugma Elder Abbott

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