Sunday, June 5, 2011

Doin' the Cockroach

Dear friends and family, 
Big news! I'm not getting transferred and neither is Elder Rebojo, which means he will be my longest running companion so far - 2 whole months! I'm very OK with it since he's a good guy. I'm still in Bohol, which  is still hard, but its for the best.... probably.

Dad sounds way skinny. That sounds great, I hope he is still into eating In-n-Out burger with me. I really miss In-n-Out. 

So I promised a cool letter right? So I'll write about the cool stuff that happened to me this week. I'll start with the most gross. After the baptism this Saturday (just a little kid), we went back to the house and right before we went back out Elder Rebojo used "the little elders room." He started shouting and I came downstairs to see what happened and inside the bathroom I saw a dead cockroach and another getting sprayed with permethrin (cockroach killer). Let me tell you about the cockroaches (uk-uk sa bisayan) here in the Philippines. They are massive, they fly, and they bite. I hate them. Anyway so there were 2, and I was like yuck. Then a baby one ran across by the door so we sprayed it, then another on came running into view, then another and another. Until we had doused about a dozen massive cockroaches. The permethrin doesn't kill them on contact (nothing does) they just slow down and struggle for life. So we closed the door to the bathroom and went out to work and then when we came home at night they were all belly up and the bathroom smelled sooooooo bad, we had dropped so much chemicals in there. It was way gross. I hate cockroaches. Elder Rebojo was going to take a picture but didn't because he didn't want nightmares. 

So, in other cool news, we did a cool CSP for an elementary school, a ton of walking, a ton of people rejecting us, and not a lot of teaching. These last few weeks have been undoubtedly the hardest of my mission, but every time the world/satan kick my butt and I come home at night feeling like poop, God does something to pick me up. 

So tell me about America. Josh will probably get his call this June! Just like me! He might come to Cebu. I heard 15 Americans are coming in this September. How is the ward? I think going to church after the mission is going to be way different. First, not everyone is going to want to shake my hand. Second I'm not going to have to wait for sacrament to start with my stomach in knots hoping my investigators come to church. It will be kind of weird. 

But the Philippines is still a blast, and I like being a missionary a bunch, I miss you guys, but you all probably miss me way more, because, let's get real, I'm in Asia.  :)

Be good. Stay Crazy. 
Gugma Elder Abbott

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