Sunday, May 22, 2011

Wala'y Lami

Dear Friends and Family,

My Padres better pick it up before I get home. The NBA is a hot topic with the elders in the mission. I heard the Lakers are out, which is the best thing in the world. We play basketball every Wednesday morning at the church. It’s a blast and tons of members show up. Usually I'm pretty bad, but today I had one way sweet swat, and at least 2 steals. So I feel great, a little tired. 

So, the missionary work continues to rock and roll here in Dauis. We have a baptism this Saturday, and we picked up a new committed investigator. He's great. It’s that Simbahan nato guy, who finally "promised" for June 11. He is super nice. The funny part of the story is that the couple that came to the lesson with us (they are great, more on them later), the husband literally fell asleep as we committed him to  baptism. That probably speaks volumes of our teaching, but the point is he's committed and I'm pumped. 

Also, this past Saturday was the jubilee celebration of 50 years of the church in the Philippines.  It was a blast. The funny story is back in 70's they almost closed down Bohol because they hadn't had a baptism yet. And when the baptism finally came through, the mission president came to witness it. But its all good, Bohol isn't so bad its just hot. After the jubilee we went to the first couple to be baptized in Bohol (for dinner). It was a blast. They really like us and last night she made banana bread and gave us some. It was so good. I miss banana bread. 

I'm kind of out of cool stories to tell so this email will be way short sorry. I'm kind of tired. 

I love you guys a ton. I haven't gotten a lot of letters lately "hint hint", I really shouldn't have to beg like this. Because if you write me I write you right back and usually put in a way cool picture. So think about it. 

Be good. Stay Crazy
Gugma Elder Abbott

p.s. sorry I know this is an awful letter, next week will be way better.  

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