Sunday, May 8, 2011

Ang simbahan nato

Dear Friends and Family, 
So Osama bin Ladin got killed, that’s pretty crazy news. Also, Emily and Michael [Nik’s niece and nephew in Idaho] are HUGE!!!! That kind of freaked me out. Kaleb's letters are great, I am a little shy because his letters are really well written and I talked about chicken butts last week. I should talk more about the work I do. 

So, I'll start with Saturday because Saturday morning was pretty good. We were tracting (YEAH!) and I read the Preach My Gospel section on talking to everyone (again) and I made a personal commitment to not pass anyone on the street or any house that looked like there were people there. We had a lot more success than usual. We talked to a very nice lady that seemed crazy interested and told us that she was moving back to Samar. (That is the Tachloban mission, so hopefully Elder Johnson will teach her.) Then this lady we talked to was methodically ripping off fish heads and making kinilaw (its a delicious raw fish thing). Then another lady like 45 minutes later was walking past us on the street and we gave her the regular greetings and then I felt like I shouldn't let her go, so I sort of half shouted at her "Where are you going?" It worked because she stopped. and we talked. and we set up a return appointment. YES!  Then Saturday afternoon we had district conference, and they showed the Cultural festival for 50 years of the church in the Philippines. It was fantastic - a combined effort of 19 stakes in Manila. 50 years ago this year 4 missionaries from the Southern Far East mission showed up in the Philippines. (10 years later the first family in Bohol was baptized. She is in Dauis branch! [This is where Nik is now stationed.]) Also, I found out that the Philippines has the highest number of convert baptisms in the shortest amount of time in the whole world! Then Sunday they had a special Philippines-only conference, where John Michael Teh, spoke and Julie Beck and Quentin L. Cook, and Boyd K. Packer all spoke. It was good. Boyd K. Packer's talk was a little rambling. It reminded me of his talk at the Provo conference a few years ago. Just with a more asian flair. 

Then Sunday night, we visited Junior, who Elder Rebojo and I weren't sure if he was really progressing and we thought about dropping him, but we visited him and before we shared we asked if he had any questions for us. He said: "Ang simbahan nato, wala tay crus o rebulto di' ba?" Sorry I'm a jerk but I'm just pumped that I finally can speak this language, so I had to write it, but translation is he said: In our church we don't cross ourselves or have (I really don't really know what rebulto is in english it just means all the graven images the catholics here use, like little rosaries and statues of saints.) So, first, it was an acute observation on his part, but the sweetest part was that he said “OUR church.” Up until then he had always said “you guys” or “at your church” but he now included himself in the statement and began to explain how he had waited so long for the missionaries to show up and even though it hurts to read the  Book of Mormon (he doesn't have any glasses because its expensive to get an eye test) he still tries to read every morning. (we had no idea) So, he has rapidly become our most progressing investigator. In the heart of the Bohol, the most dreaded and Catholic island in the Philippines we have managed to find someone who will accept the gospel. (he is totally committed for baptism now). 

So that was a blast. Also on the fun side I rode on top of a jipney last night coming home from a service project. 

Also, the Philippines Cebu mission finally caught up with the rest of the world and got Cell Phones! So we can finally text and call people. Next step: cars! Probably not though. 

I love you all. Be good. Stay Crazy. 

Gugma Elder Abbott.  

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