Sunday, May 15, 2011

God loves me

He sure does.
Dear friends and family,

He loves you all a bunch, too.
So this last Monday was fantastic - Skyping home. Baby Britta is super cute. So is Josh, hehehe. I loved hearing your sweet voices. I loved speaking English for a while. Monday was a pretty trunky day because after Skyping, at district meeting I got the package (Daghan Salamat!) and like 15 letters. Because I got emergency transferred all the people in the mission that write me (new converts, other missionaries) sent them to Negroes, then they had to get sent back to Cebu and then to Bohol, so they all showed up and I finally got a letter from Joey! It was tops! First one since the MTC. He comes home in October, you all should invite him to dinner.

So, a couple of experiences this last week have proven to me without a doubt that God loves me. To be honest, I was always pretty sure. We'll start with Saturday. On Saturday our first two appointments fell through just minutes after we left the house, and our dinner appointment fell through, (that’s the worst!) so it was looking like we had a few of hours of tracting ahead of us, and just minutes after we had headed down the road, feeling pretty discouraged (very, very discouraged, everyday was seeming like this) we got a phone call. The person calling asked when and where church was on Sunday (this never happens, especially not in Bohol). We gave her instructions and she said she was excited to come. It was totally a surprise and lifted our spirits alot. We were in really good moods and we found two other new families to teach (our good moods affect tracting a ton). Then, Sunday morning the people that called came to church, and the branch did an incredible job of fellow-shipping and making them feel very comfortable (admittedly Dauis branch is boss, maybe the best in Bohol). They are a slightly elderly couple about 50+ (last name: Brina). They own a resort on the island (I'm hoping for white sands and a tarsier - Google tarsier – they are fantastic) and their co-partners have been members since the 60's. The couple is very excited and had a lot of really good questions. So that was huge, one of the biggest blessings in my mission so far.

Then, slightly smaller but also neat, last night. Yesterday was a lot like Saturday. We got dropped by everything in the afternoon, so, after hours of walking and talking to people with limited success (their aren't that many people on this island), we headed to a member family to pick up some invitations to the 50 year Jubilee. While we were there, we chatted and got to know them, and they started giving us a ton of referrals, and offering to come work with us, then invited us to dinner on Thursday night. Then we bought some dinner and headed home for the night. I was exhausted and I still had a ton of laundry to do (I really REALLY miss washing machines). While we were eating, Bro. Flores came by. He kind of scared us actually. He is totally nice though and only speaks Tagalog. (I'm learning a little bit of Tagalog now by the way.) He brought a ton of really delicious food and drinks from a birthday party in the branch. He didn't really say much else, offered to come work with us on Friday and dissipated into the night (I meant to write disappeared but that’s what Mozilla spell check came up with. J). It was very nice and the branch loves us, even though we are both new. I feel like we have finally earned their trust.

So enough about me, how are all you?
I'm out of things to write and we just Skyped. How are my Padres?

I guess thats all I wanted to say, thanks again for the package. I aint' usin' the toilet paper.

Be good. Stay Crazy
Gugma Elder Abbott  

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