Monday, July 4, 2011

China Vs. Philippines, 'There might be blood.'

Dear friends and family, 

Colton's mission call is nuts. [Colton Robinson has been called to the Vancouver British Columbia mission, Korean speaking] The Korean classes are on the same floor as the Cebuano classes in the MTC. I hear there is a 17 elder batch of Cebuano speakers getting ready to come in this September so they may be in the MTC with him. 
Sarah [Cowden] is going to San Bernardino, that’s way better than Fresno. Which reminds me I met a Mhong speaking elder in the MTC headed to Fresno, that’s just a little more obscure than Colton’s call. 
Dustin (Alameda) is the man, I love that guy. I wish I could have been there for his farewell talk. 
Did Josh get his call yet? 
As for my package, I can't really think of anything I need, don't bother sending Toilet Paper, or peeps. The toilet paper was used exclusively for a runny nose I had, and the peeps were covered in ants within 30 seconds of them coming out of the package (still in the plastic). Thats another infestation we have at the house, ants. The cockroaches have retreated but I still feel ants crawling all over me as I sleep. Things I do need though....  I'm okay with shirts and garments and all that. Just food and anything the spirit whispers to you to send. 

So lets talk about Bohol. 

This last week was a good one, because we got 2 referrals, which is unprecedented. One of them is a family! On the down side, the wife is way into it, beacuse she wants her husband to stop drinking. We aren't so sure how the husband feels about it. Then we got another one but we may not be able to teach her since her house is donated by a Catholic organization, so they are a little afraid to listen to other religions, no matter how true they may be. But one of the daughters is great she comes to a lot of FHE's and has a good ol' time. 
But aside from all that, our investigators are usually choosing to not investigate the church, so we do a lot of tracting and getting yelled at by Born-agains. 

So that’s how I'm doing (great!).

Hopefully you are all feeling the same. Also I can't tell if its a big deal or not in America, but a lot of Filipinos are freaking out that they might go to war against China (can you say massacre?) over some islands (lots of oil) in the south China Sea. I bring it up because a lot of Pinoys are saying America is going to hop in and fight with the Philippines. Please tell them that isn't true. 

I love you all a ton. Be good. Stay Crazy.
Gugma Elder Abbott

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