Sunday, July 17, 2011

Filipino-American Friendship Day

Dear Friends and Family,
Happy belated Filipino-American Friendship Day, or as they call it in the land of milk and honey, the 4th of July or Independence Day. To be honest, it was a pretty slow day - not much happened. We had a district meeting, then got some lunch at Bojol Grill. It's OK, but it's the cheapest unlimited rice place here, so we eat there almost weekly (we are all rice addicts here). Then I got a haircut, went back home, dropped off my district meeting gear and switched into proselyting mode. We went out and contacted a couple of referrals (that's right referrals, we never get those) and then the entire Bohol dumped on us in the most torrential rainstorm ever. We managed to make it home by 8:30, but we found out we were stranded there and had no food. Our plan was to sleep in Tagbi but now were stuck at home and there weren't anymore buses that would take us back there. So Elder Rebojo texts the ZL's and says "come pick us up, we have no food". And the shocking thing is they totally did and bought food! So that's how I celebrated it. (It was killing me thinking about all the barbecue I missed out on, but its cool.)

Anyway, other highlights this week. We got a new President, President Schmutz. The Pinoys can not say it. It is hilarious. But the word on the street is he is very nice. I haven't actually met him yet, and I won't until Interviews roll around in a couple weeks. I'll miss President Hansen, but to be honest I can count on one and a half hands how many times I ever saw him. When you're not assigned on Cebu you don't really see a lot of other missionaries. Or people. Which brings me to the next bit of news. Elder Rebojo and I have been expecting a transfer since we've been together for a while, but we didn't know which one of us was going to go, so we are constantly telling members that one of us are going, but we got the call and we are sticking together for another 6 weeks. I'm very OK with that. He's a champ and we are very used to working with each other. So, Dauis will be by far my longest area.

Aside from that, life is simply rolling along.

Anyway the work is going really good right now to be honest, also we have a huge branch activity planned for later this week.
So be good, guys, cuz I love you, I sure do.
Stay Crazy.
Gugma Elder Abbott.

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