Sunday, July 17, 2011

Night of 1,000 tookoos

Dear Friends and Family,
Baseball question, did Adrian Gonzales get traded? Who Does San Diego have that’s good? Special mention goes out to Tanzilla for writing me, its a shame she didn't get my letter. There were definitely pictures. I also got a letter from down-town Joel Brown, but he can't read this. Or he better not. Also please keep me updated about Opa, he is in my prayers.

This week was a classic Bohol style week. We make awesome plans, and they just never go through. On the plus side, we got a sweet District basketball jersey made. If i can a find a computer that works - mine doesn't - I'll send some pics. We got another referral form a less active member which has been great, but the referrals are all teenage girls. Don't me wrong I'll teach anyone, but it just makes it hard because we always need to find another male. Apan. [Bisayan word that means “but”, “yet” or some form of hindrance] On the plus side, we had a great night on Monday. Katrina, our golden investigator that is currently riding the midnight train to Chattanooga straight to the waters of baptism, is doing great. We finally met her mom! Which is a victory, and she would make a GREAT investigator, if her house/neighborhood wasn't owned by the Catholic church. Unfortunately we aren't allowed to visit her much less baptize the family while they live there or else they will lose their house. Fortunately, Katrina is moved out so no problems there. But the other cool thing that happened on Monday was at our weekly service project, we got to destroy a house. It was sweet! And we were helping the community. But I almost got killed horror movie style. I was just standing around helping some people move some rubbish, when all of sudden one of the guys on the roof takes off half a panel of aluminum, (the houses in the pines usually have this wavy aluminum panels for roofing) and comes swinging down, just inches form my face like a guillotine. So pretty cool. Also that night while were at an FHE we saw a tookoo on the wall. Tookoo's are huge lizards probably a couple feet long and they bite way hard (no venom), but they are famous because they make a loud "too-koo" sound. Anyway the rumor here in the Philippines is that they cure AIDS. So they sell for a pretty peso.  Anyway, this one was descending down the wall so everyone in the room turned from the usual, "oh cool look a tookoo" to "hey come over to this side of the room so he doesn't bite off your hand" Then Bro. Fuentes, sees it and gets pumped.He wraps a shirt around his hand and pins it to wall and throws it in an empty bottle. It was impressive to watch. Then as we were eating dinner another shows up, but gets away before Bro. Fuentes can throw it in the bottle. Then just before we leave a third one comes crawling on the floor. That one was way freaky cuz they usually just crawl on the walls, but this one was going for toes. So Elder Rebojo and I don't hesitate to say our good-byes and head out. It was a cool experience, and would be more impressive if there was a picture of them. [From what I can tell, gecko lizards are called Tuko in the Philippines. Here is a link about the supposed medicinal properties Nik mentioned.]

Anyway the moral of the story is this, I LOVE getting mail, especially pictures. Bohol hasn't defeated me yet, its getting to Rebojo though,  and Tookoo's cure AIDS. Theres a cure!!!

So I love you all, Be good. Stay Crazy.
Gugma Elder Abbott

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