Monday, July 4, 2011

New Shoes

Dear Friends and Family, 

This week, ROCKED!

Starting from Wednesday, we had a district activity, and I finally got to see a Tarsier! And some other nice spots. 
Then we found a sweet new investigator, and his way inactive member friend, who are taking the lessons again. 
Friday, was slower, not much happened.
Saturday, We had a sweet caravan with the branch, finding and visiting inactive families. Then we had an effective kaayo coordination meeting. Our Branch Mission Leader is finally getting his act together. And we celebrated my 10-month mark. Also my shoes were busted, but instead of buying new shoes, with my zero $, I got them fixed for 60 pesos. What a steal!
Sunday, Katrina came to church again and loved it. She is getting baptized, so good. 
Monday, nice district meeting, fun FHE.
Tuesday, taught a ton of lessons, felt the spirit, almost cried during a lesson. (I'm a baby.) 
Then today, we played some fun basketball and are heading to the Chocolate hills!

Also, I heard Jimmer is a KING!!!! I'm way pumped! [Jimmer Freddette, BYU basketball star, was drafted by the NBA Sacramento Kings, Nik’s favorite NBA team.]

I love you a ton. Be good. Stay Crazy.
gugma Elder Abbotttttt

#1: This is me in front of the true church.
#2: Cortez District. (top:)E. Narona, Me, Elder Oliver, E. Gubb, E. Gallero,(bottom:) E. Buque, Sis. Akiatan, Sis. Fernandez, E. Narvasa, E.Rebojo

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