Monday, July 4, 2011

Fenway? I say, no way!

Dear Friends and Family,

Those Fenway Park pictures/story did trunk me way out. But I'll get over it. [Nik and his Dad share a love for baseball and Dad had a business trip to Boston (one reason these emails got delayed) during which he was able to catch a game at Fenway Park, Red Sox vs San Diego Padres.]
Also, before I forget Happy Father’s day! And Happy Birthday, Josh Anderson! I'm way jealous that Dad is in Boston, he is starting the baseball park roadtrip without me, but I can't blame you, what are you going to do - not visit Fenway Park when you’re in Boston? I really shouldn't be jealous since I'm living in the jungle island paradise of the Philippines. For example what did you have for breakfast today (this is a broad question to all readers not just my dad)? Mine was probably better. I had barbecued pork and lumpyia and this gulaman (fruit and gel and milk) from water buffalo milk. All for under 50 pesos. Thats a pretty everyday thing (maybe not everyday, we don't make it out for breakfast very often in Dauis). Also, later today I'm going to see a giant snake and the statue commemorating the infamous blood compact. This blood compact was a time when a Spanish settler and the leader of the tribe in Bohol cut themselves, mixed their blood with wine, and drank as a testament to Catholcism. It’s why Bohol is the way it is. But say what you will about Bohol, we finally got something to go!!!!! She is a friend of a member family and she has come to church a couple of times and finally we got to teach her and she is great. We came back last night and committed her for baptism on July 23rd. We are way pumped! It’s breathing life back into our work. Also, we visited the way rich old white guy that lives in the branch. The food was BOSS! The best was the kinilaw. Its raw fish in vinegar but the fish is way, way fresh, so it is way delicious. That was a highlight. Also we haven't had running water for a week now, so we take two trips into Tagbilaran every morning to take a shower and last night I was washing all my clothes until 12 AM. I really miss washing machines. 

Aside from that, the week was kind of boring, but I'm looking forward for our activity in about an hour. So I'm gonna go. My zone leader is punching me and telling me to go. Elder Gubb. He's from New Zealand. (that’s right mom).

Be Good. Stay Crazy.
Gugma Elder Abbott

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