Sunday, July 31, 2011

Kwasan Falls

Dear friends and family,

First off, a big thank you for the Biddisons and their letter! I always loved the [Saratoga Springs Stake] clothing exchange - it really was a favorite event of mine. Also, Mom when you say geckos you make them sound so lame and wimpy, but tookoos are kinda terrifying.
Mom and Dad, you guys are travelling machines, seeing the world and all. Now that you don't have any baggage (me) at home I guess you don't have any anchors. Also Congratulations Chris on the new job, try to hook me up when I get home.

This week was great, work-wise and seeing beautiful spots -wise.
First the work, since it’s most important. We have been getting a ton of referrals from this one member we reactivated, and that has been a shot in the arm for our work. Also, we have a baptism July 30th. YEAH!!!! Who says Bohol is hard? A member asked me on Sunday if we could teach an amang (deaf and dumb). I really wish I could rembember sign language, but I can't. So I don't know if we will be able to. Also, this Monday was Zone Interviews, which means I finally got to see/meet my new Mission President. HE IS THE MAN! I love him, its so easy to talk to him and he has the gift of discernment like you wouldn't believe. I felt like he was reading my mind. But he is super bright, and way nice. On the down side, Sister Schmutz, doesn't feel like my mom just yet. She didn't even bake cookies, they were store bought. But I'm sure I'll feel like she's my mom sooner or later.

Also, the reason I'm e-mailing so late is because we are coming from a sweet waterfall. It was wayyyyy sweet! So gorgeous, I'm so lucky to be here in the Philippines. It was a SHAME I couldn't just jump in. There was like a cave that went in underneath it. Looks like I'll just have to come back to the Philippines after the mission. Also this Saturday we are having a branch activity so there will hopefully be some neat pictures there too, of the good ol' Dauis Branch.

Sorry this is so short, but we need to get home. I love you all so much, send Opa my love.
Missions rule!
Be good. Stay Crazy.
Gugma Elder Abbott

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