Wednesday, September 29, 2010

MTC Dance!

We had a MTC dance this week! Sisters choice! It was super fun!

This week was cool! I feel like I'm actually beginning to learn Cebuano. I can make sentences in my head and say them out loud with relative ease. Ultimately though, when I try to go days without speaking English, it is still mentally tasking and gives me a monster migraine. Still, it’s super fun and I can't wait to just master this language and baptize everyone in the Philippines!

I also got a ton of letters this week! I had an unprecedented 3 letters to write people back today. I felt so cool in the laundry room today. So, I send a special thank you to everyone who wrote me this week.  I still need people’s addresses, like people in the ward and stuff. I know they want updates, but I don't have their addresses so I can't really do much.

Also, a major need is pictures. I need a ton of pictures, pictures of my family, preferably the one with all of us including Omi and Emily. I like that picture a lot. My teachers said that the people in the Philippines can't imagine what a white family looks like so they dig pictures of American families. I bought a small photo album so now I just need pictures. Also, people not in my family should send me pictures since I've already forgotten what you all look like.

On a happier note, Elder Coppins knows I'm a missionary. We saw each other at the Sunday temple walk and finally caught up with each other. It felt good. Also, today marks my 5th week here, I believe, which means I'm over halfway done. YES! The Cantonese elders down the hall from us left on Monday and that was tough, because they were the “father district” we never had. They passed down all the Cantonese traditions to us since the younger Cantonese district hadn't come in yet. It was very sweet and it made me want to go to the Philippines so badly. Mom will be happy to know that occasionally at the dinner table we will start eating like a Filipino, with our hands. It’s a lot harder than you would think. When we eat rice, we have to pick the plate up right next to our mouth and start shoveling it in. It’s very messy.

This week has gone by a lot like every other week. I'm beginning to get so much candy and food I don't know what to do with it all. But, don't worry I love it.

How is everyone doing back home? It’s so weird. You all are so close, but I feel so far way. Tell me all about everything! Tommy and Tat are getting married soon right? Will you guys still make apple-skivers (I gave up on trying to spell it) for General Conference? If you do make some, send some to me. I'm sure they'll keep.

I'm not sure what else to say so I'll just tell you all some things I'm looking foward to in the Philippines:
1- Monstrous rats, my teachers claim to have seen one the size of a cat before. A cat!
2- Eating dog, it’s a delicacy!
3- Little kids will walk up to you and start petting your arm since they have never seen a hairy arm before.
4- A worm, everyone gets one. I found out this week I've only gained 2 pounds since I've been here. I'll lose like 40 out there so I need to start packing it in.

I guess that’s everything. I love all of you. I'm excited to go out on the mission. I can hardly wait! (I just broke my pen, like just now.) Be good, drive safe. Remember who you are and make sure to write me and send me lots of pictures!

Love, Elder Abbott

P.S. Walay cebuano niining e-mail. Sore, Naghatag ko sa akong pagpamuondon. Kahibalo ako nga nagila and dios Kanato ug nahigugma kanato. gamay pagpamuondon apan mas tinuod. NAGBUHI SI JESUKRISTO!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Living Book of Mormon

 I got the package from the Andersons today! It ruled. Josh gets me. I just want to say thank you for the package, I really appreciate it. Also thanks for the Stamps!
Also good Luck to Dad. I don't know if you've heard about the job or not but I'm praying for you.

So, cool story this week. On Friday morning I was running to gym (gotta get those four-square courts), anyway, I ran into Elder Coppins, who was just getting back from his gym time. We chatted briefly and found out more or less his schedule is polar oppossite from mine. Then, yesterday morning, I was doing service and I hear someone from behind say my name. I turn around and sure enough there he was again looking sharp in a suit. We talked and I found out his class is a floor above me, which sounds like he is just begging for a prank. The only problem is both times Elder Coppins has seen me I've been in street clothes so he might just think I work at the MTC. Hopefully I'll see him around.

Another cool story. On Thursday we have TRC and since there are 10 people speaking Cebuano in the entire MTC, we had way more volunteers than we did missionaries. So, our teacher broke up some companionships to teach, namely Elder Swicegood went with Sister Brinton and I was put with his companion, Elder Ashdown. This was a shock since I hadn't ever taught with him before and more importantly we hadn't practiced our phrases together before. So the Language task came up and we asked to greet the investigator and take them down the hall to ride in a fake jipney (bus) to church. We were so nervous that we just got to know them in our room and then after a few minutes I remembered we had to take them to the jipney. So we hopped up and asked, “Andam ka ba sa simba?” (Are you ready to worship?) The investigators looked at us and chuckled and we left. After an uncomfortable walk down the hallway we got to where all the other missionaries were. So it was crowded and noisy like a real jipney. We talked or, should I say, I talked and every time I looked at Elder Ashdown, he tried to think of something to say but stopped after “Unsa.” (What) We talked. I discovered they had not kept their commitments, which was the worst, since Elder Gertge was the one that would have taken over the conversation at that point. So we tried to think of ways to encourage them “sa Cebuano,” and then they began to ask about if their baptism was valid since they were Catholic. We hadn't even come close to practicing any part of the first lesson in Cebuano, much less the restoration. I tried to explain apostasy and ended just bearing my testimony of Joseph Smith. Then time was up. It was the longest 15 minutes of my life.

On the flip side, our lesson in English was a home run. Elder Ashdown is a killer missionary! Also, at one point, I tried asking him if he prayed about the Book of Mormon. “Nag-ampo ka ba bahin sa Basahon ni Mormon?” is what I should have said, but I ended up saying “Nag-Ampo ka ba buhi sa Basahon ni Mormon?” which means have you prayed living Book of Mormon. That ultimately makes no sense and he had me repeat until Elder Ashdown started laughing and corrected me. They just laughed at me and I was like “yeah, this will be a story!”

Anyway, there are some stories you can share around the watercooler with other seminary teachers or  all your friends in college or high school or at Tahitian Noni.

Did you all get my pictures by any chance? I hope so. I can't remember if I put enough stamps on it. I still don't understand the rules behind stamps.

Also, another reminder that I do not have anyone address besides my family, Joey's address, and the Anderson’s address. So no one can get letters from me until I get their address, wink wink. Write me. works too.

Ultimately, I can't remember if there is anything else important I want to say, besides, “I love you. I miss you all. I miss food that doesn't sit in me like a brick. I miss naps most of all I think.”

Nasayud Ako nga tinuod Simbahan! (I know the Church is true!)

Gugma, Elder Abbott.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Elder Abbott needs your address

Just a reminder that if you want letters, postcards, pictures from Elder Abbott, then he will need your address.

If you are not sure whether he has your address, assume he doesn't!

You can post your address as a comment here or email them to or put them in a letter to Elder Abbott himself.


Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Every day feels like Sunday

Cebuano. It’s no big deal.
It’s actually really hard still, but it feels like it’s coming along way way better.

Kumusta Mo pamilya! [Hello, family!]

Thanks for the package this week, the pants are rocking, the hoodie is warm and really bright orange, and the box is plenty big for the monster of a blanket that you sent me.

Big news this week, the Tri-panionship got called as Zone Leaders! which just means that we have about a million more meetings on Sunday and have to do orientations on Wednesday and Thursdays. It’s cool though.

The TRC last week was a piece of cake, Elder Taylor surprised everyone and started speaking in tongues to save us from not taking up any time. The Lesson was a slam dunk, tommorow we teach the plan of salvation which I'm excited for since it’s a lot easier doctrinally. I got this way cool book of pictures that I hear Philippino children will simply love. I also think I'm gonna buy the Cebuano version of the animated Book of Mormon stories, and send it home for you all to hold onto for me. This way you can see how ridiculous (Cebuano is killing my english spelling I'm learning) the language is, and I can buy it with the missionary discount!

I'm sending a letter full of pictures so you can see what my district looks like. and see what I look like. I mentioned this in the letter but I'll say it here. I keep forgetting to say anything but I do not have any addresses. So, Friends, (looking at you) I don't have your address - so you need to write me first! works too.

Also that awful watch I bought at the Missionary Mall died after three minutes. Not surprised. Anyway I bought a dirt cheap watch at the book store and it looks pretty good I thought until further inspection revealed that it has these weird diamonds instead of numbers. So it looks really masculine until you look at it closely and realise it is also very feminine. I've received many compliments on it, but I still don’t feel right with it yet. Pasikalla tried to convince me it’s bling, but then everyone realised that I'm the last person on this earth who would ever wear bling or look good wearing bling! All in all, I'm ok with it. If anything, I'll give it to Erika.

I always feel like my e-mails should be longer, but not alot happens here everyday. Kevin Barnes said it best when he said "Everyday Feels Like Sunday, Everyday feels so good!" It’s true.

Oh! I got a letter from Omi. Let her know I Love her a ton. Gugma ko kanimo Omi! [I love you, Omi!]

I guess the sum up, I love all of you, I want more letters, send pictures so I can tell my district that these girls are waiting for me when I get back. Nasuyud Ako nga tinuod sa simbahan ug nasayud ako nga tinuod ebanghelyio. [I know the Church is true and I know the Gospel is true.]
Ayo Ayo!

Gugma Elder Abbott.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Week 2

This week went by way fast! Every day feels way long and sometimes way boring, but at least I have 4 square to look forward to. The week went by way fast though, which is really nice. Every day is pretty much the same, I study the scriptures, I learn some Cebuano, I practice talking to people on the street. It's fun, though. Cebuano is really coming together, which is nice. I don't feel like I will ever be fluent ,but I can invent sentences sometimes which feels great. I got jinxed and that means I had to speak Cebuano until my name was said 3 times. It was way hard, and lasted like 30 minutes! My companions are still way cool. I can't remember if I mentioned this, but Elder Taylor went to Lone Peak, so some of you may know him.
I got the package, which was THE BEST! Maayo kaayo as the Cebuanans would say. The fun bugs lasted maybe 10 minutes, cuz my companions and my district fell in love with them. Keep on sending that and send letters, lots of missionaries get tons of letters, I only get a few. Whats up with that?
I realised that it might get kinda cold while I'm up here (its already way cold in the morning on p-days and service activities), so if at all possible send up a package with my tan pants and my red hoodie. Also put in a biggish box so I can send back the blanket and hoodie when I leave the MTC.
I love everyone, Mom, Dad, Erika and Chris, Josh and Carissa, Jasi, and everyone else who reads this. Missions are cool, I feel the spirit everyday and I wear a tie everyday.
I don't know what else to talk about. Every day feels the same. Tomorrow is TRC (where we test our Cebuano and teaching abilities to fluent speakers of the language who pretend to be investigators) so pray for me tonight cuz thats the worst/best night of the week.
Thanks for all your letters this week and thanks for your email last week, Dad. Dear Elder ( rules and is free, for the MTC and my mission so everyone has no excuse!
Drive safe out there, Love Elder Nik Abbott.
[Editor's note: see Nik's first blog entry for his MTC address and write to the boy! :)]

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

I miss sleeping.

Dear Family and friends,
The MTC is a crazy place, apparently time at the MTC moves slower than time in real life because it feels like I have been gone months. Its only been a week though. Cebuano is also the hardest language I have ever tried to speak. Its insane, there is no grammar and next to no sentence structure, its an oral language which means everything is spelled the way it sounds. So every teacher has a different way of spelling all the words. I got Mom's letter which ruled, it got there about 3 hours before Hillary's. so they are my only friends as of this moment. Anyway, down to the nitty-gritty, I'm in a tri-panionship which is cool and hard, and frustrating, and dope. My companions are Eder Gertge and Elder Taylor, Elder Gertge is from south Weber Utah and Elder Taylor is from Highland and went to Lone Peak and everything. They both rule! actually my whole district rules, they all feel like my companions since we all go everywhere together pretty much. In my district there are Elders Pasikalla and Johnson. Pasikalla is this huge hawaiin who laughs at everything, and Johnson is from Sandy and a lot more laid back. Elder Swicegood and Ashdown room with them and Swicegood is the D.L. he is really mature and smart and keeps us all grounded, and Ashdown is the most rowdy and talkative elder I've met. There is also Nelson and Prescott, Nelson reminds me of Josh Abbott and Prescott reminds me of Dad. there is also a sister, Sister Brinton, she puts up with us and pretends to totally dig the fact that she has to sit through hours of class with a bunch of teenage boys.
Everyone at the MTC said that after sunday the days fly by. not so. Everyday drags on so slow, today has gone by fast but thats cuz it was p-day and I haven't had to try and study Cebuano yet. Hillary asked me is I'm all about 4 square in gym, and I kind of am.  its fun but super competitive, so I usually play baseball. the best part of gym though is waving to all the cars that drive by, they love seeing missionaries here in Utah, and sometimes we just wave and they honk their horns and scream out their windows. If I had one message that I could share with my family and friends it would be, send me letters, Elder Taylor gets a letter from his girlfriend every night and sometimes more. so lets stick it to him. also notice all the shout outs Hillary got in this e-mail, I counted three. that could be you!
I love all of you, being a missionary rules, Church rules!
Love Elder Abbott