Wednesday, September 29, 2010

MTC Dance!

We had a MTC dance this week! Sisters choice! It was super fun!

This week was cool! I feel like I'm actually beginning to learn Cebuano. I can make sentences in my head and say them out loud with relative ease. Ultimately though, when I try to go days without speaking English, it is still mentally tasking and gives me a monster migraine. Still, it’s super fun and I can't wait to just master this language and baptize everyone in the Philippines!

I also got a ton of letters this week! I had an unprecedented 3 letters to write people back today. I felt so cool in the laundry room today. So, I send a special thank you to everyone who wrote me this week.  I still need people’s addresses, like people in the ward and stuff. I know they want updates, but I don't have their addresses so I can't really do much.

Also, a major need is pictures. I need a ton of pictures, pictures of my family, preferably the one with all of us including Omi and Emily. I like that picture a lot. My teachers said that the people in the Philippines can't imagine what a white family looks like so they dig pictures of American families. I bought a small photo album so now I just need pictures. Also, people not in my family should send me pictures since I've already forgotten what you all look like.

On a happier note, Elder Coppins knows I'm a missionary. We saw each other at the Sunday temple walk and finally caught up with each other. It felt good. Also, today marks my 5th week here, I believe, which means I'm over halfway done. YES! The Cantonese elders down the hall from us left on Monday and that was tough, because they were the “father district” we never had. They passed down all the Cantonese traditions to us since the younger Cantonese district hadn't come in yet. It was very sweet and it made me want to go to the Philippines so badly. Mom will be happy to know that occasionally at the dinner table we will start eating like a Filipino, with our hands. It’s a lot harder than you would think. When we eat rice, we have to pick the plate up right next to our mouth and start shoveling it in. It’s very messy.

This week has gone by a lot like every other week. I'm beginning to get so much candy and food I don't know what to do with it all. But, don't worry I love it.

How is everyone doing back home? It’s so weird. You all are so close, but I feel so far way. Tell me all about everything! Tommy and Tat are getting married soon right? Will you guys still make apple-skivers (I gave up on trying to spell it) for General Conference? If you do make some, send some to me. I'm sure they'll keep.

I'm not sure what else to say so I'll just tell you all some things I'm looking foward to in the Philippines:
1- Monstrous rats, my teachers claim to have seen one the size of a cat before. A cat!
2- Eating dog, it’s a delicacy!
3- Little kids will walk up to you and start petting your arm since they have never seen a hairy arm before.
4- A worm, everyone gets one. I found out this week I've only gained 2 pounds since I've been here. I'll lose like 40 out there so I need to start packing it in.

I guess that’s everything. I love all of you. I'm excited to go out on the mission. I can hardly wait! (I just broke my pen, like just now.) Be good, drive safe. Remember who you are and make sure to write me and send me lots of pictures!

Love, Elder Abbott

P.S. Walay cebuano niining e-mail. Sore, Naghatag ko sa akong pagpamuondon. Kahibalo ako nga nagila and dios Kanato ug nahigugma kanato. gamay pagpamuondon apan mas tinuod. NAGBUHI SI JESUKRISTO!

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