Wednesday, September 1, 2010

I miss sleeping.

Dear Family and friends,
The MTC is a crazy place, apparently time at the MTC moves slower than time in real life because it feels like I have been gone months. Its only been a week though. Cebuano is also the hardest language I have ever tried to speak. Its insane, there is no grammar and next to no sentence structure, its an oral language which means everything is spelled the way it sounds. So every teacher has a different way of spelling all the words. I got Mom's letter which ruled, it got there about 3 hours before Hillary's. so they are my only friends as of this moment. Anyway, down to the nitty-gritty, I'm in a tri-panionship which is cool and hard, and frustrating, and dope. My companions are Eder Gertge and Elder Taylor, Elder Gertge is from south Weber Utah and Elder Taylor is from Highland and went to Lone Peak and everything. They both rule! actually my whole district rules, they all feel like my companions since we all go everywhere together pretty much. In my district there are Elders Pasikalla and Johnson. Pasikalla is this huge hawaiin who laughs at everything, and Johnson is from Sandy and a lot more laid back. Elder Swicegood and Ashdown room with them and Swicegood is the D.L. he is really mature and smart and keeps us all grounded, and Ashdown is the most rowdy and talkative elder I've met. There is also Nelson and Prescott, Nelson reminds me of Josh Abbott and Prescott reminds me of Dad. there is also a sister, Sister Brinton, she puts up with us and pretends to totally dig the fact that she has to sit through hours of class with a bunch of teenage boys.
Everyone at the MTC said that after sunday the days fly by. not so. Everyday drags on so slow, today has gone by fast but thats cuz it was p-day and I haven't had to try and study Cebuano yet. Hillary asked me is I'm all about 4 square in gym, and I kind of am.  its fun but super competitive, so I usually play baseball. the best part of gym though is waving to all the cars that drive by, they love seeing missionaries here in Utah, and sometimes we just wave and they honk their horns and scream out their windows. If I had one message that I could share with my family and friends it would be, send me letters, Elder Taylor gets a letter from his girlfriend every night and sometimes more. so lets stick it to him. also notice all the shout outs Hillary got in this e-mail, I counted three. that could be you!
I love all of you, being a missionary rules, Church rules!
Love Elder Abbott

1 comment:

  1. I'm flashing back to my days in the MTC when it was called the LTM or... Language Training Mission. The study was intense and the days long but it was a memorable time as I tried my hardest to concentrate and learn the lessons.

    Alan Cluff
