Sunday, July 31, 2011

Kwasan Falls

Dear friends and family,

First off, a big thank you for the Biddisons and their letter! I always loved the [Saratoga Springs Stake] clothing exchange - it really was a favorite event of mine. Also, Mom when you say geckos you make them sound so lame and wimpy, but tookoos are kinda terrifying.
Mom and Dad, you guys are travelling machines, seeing the world and all. Now that you don't have any baggage (me) at home I guess you don't have any anchors. Also Congratulations Chris on the new job, try to hook me up when I get home.

This week was great, work-wise and seeing beautiful spots -wise.
First the work, since it’s most important. We have been getting a ton of referrals from this one member we reactivated, and that has been a shot in the arm for our work. Also, we have a baptism July 30th. YEAH!!!! Who says Bohol is hard? A member asked me on Sunday if we could teach an amang (deaf and dumb). I really wish I could rembember sign language, but I can't. So I don't know if we will be able to. Also, this Monday was Zone Interviews, which means I finally got to see/meet my new Mission President. HE IS THE MAN! I love him, its so easy to talk to him and he has the gift of discernment like you wouldn't believe. I felt like he was reading my mind. But he is super bright, and way nice. On the down side, Sister Schmutz, doesn't feel like my mom just yet. She didn't even bake cookies, they were store bought. But I'm sure I'll feel like she's my mom sooner or later.

Also, the reason I'm e-mailing so late is because we are coming from a sweet waterfall. It was wayyyyy sweet! So gorgeous, I'm so lucky to be here in the Philippines. It was a SHAME I couldn't just jump in. There was like a cave that went in underneath it. Looks like I'll just have to come back to the Philippines after the mission. Also this Saturday we are having a branch activity so there will hopefully be some neat pictures there too, of the good ol' Dauis Branch.

Sorry this is so short, but we need to get home. I love you all so much, send Opa my love.
Missions rule!
Be good. Stay Crazy.
Gugma Elder Abbott

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Night of 1,000 tookoos

Dear Friends and Family,
Baseball question, did Adrian Gonzales get traded? Who Does San Diego have that’s good? Special mention goes out to Tanzilla for writing me, its a shame she didn't get my letter. There were definitely pictures. I also got a letter from down-town Joel Brown, but he can't read this. Or he better not. Also please keep me updated about Opa, he is in my prayers.

This week was a classic Bohol style week. We make awesome plans, and they just never go through. On the plus side, we got a sweet District basketball jersey made. If i can a find a computer that works - mine doesn't - I'll send some pics. We got another referral form a less active member which has been great, but the referrals are all teenage girls. Don't me wrong I'll teach anyone, but it just makes it hard because we always need to find another male. Apan. [Bisayan word that means “but”, “yet” or some form of hindrance] On the plus side, we had a great night on Monday. Katrina, our golden investigator that is currently riding the midnight train to Chattanooga straight to the waters of baptism, is doing great. We finally met her mom! Which is a victory, and she would make a GREAT investigator, if her house/neighborhood wasn't owned by the Catholic church. Unfortunately we aren't allowed to visit her much less baptize the family while they live there or else they will lose their house. Fortunately, Katrina is moved out so no problems there. But the other cool thing that happened on Monday was at our weekly service project, we got to destroy a house. It was sweet! And we were helping the community. But I almost got killed horror movie style. I was just standing around helping some people move some rubbish, when all of sudden one of the guys on the roof takes off half a panel of aluminum, (the houses in the pines usually have this wavy aluminum panels for roofing) and comes swinging down, just inches form my face like a guillotine. So pretty cool. Also that night while were at an FHE we saw a tookoo on the wall. Tookoo's are huge lizards probably a couple feet long and they bite way hard (no venom), but they are famous because they make a loud "too-koo" sound. Anyway the rumor here in the Philippines is that they cure AIDS. So they sell for a pretty peso.  Anyway, this one was descending down the wall so everyone in the room turned from the usual, "oh cool look a tookoo" to "hey come over to this side of the room so he doesn't bite off your hand" Then Bro. Fuentes, sees it and gets pumped.He wraps a shirt around his hand and pins it to wall and throws it in an empty bottle. It was impressive to watch. Then as we were eating dinner another shows up, but gets away before Bro. Fuentes can throw it in the bottle. Then just before we leave a third one comes crawling on the floor. That one was way freaky cuz they usually just crawl on the walls, but this one was going for toes. So Elder Rebojo and I don't hesitate to say our good-byes and head out. It was a cool experience, and would be more impressive if there was a picture of them. [From what I can tell, gecko lizards are called Tuko in the Philippines. Here is a link about the supposed medicinal properties Nik mentioned.]

Anyway the moral of the story is this, I LOVE getting mail, especially pictures. Bohol hasn't defeated me yet, its getting to Rebojo though,  and Tookoo's cure AIDS. Theres a cure!!!

So I love you all, Be good. Stay Crazy.
Gugma Elder Abbott

Filipino-American Friendship Day

Dear Friends and Family,
Happy belated Filipino-American Friendship Day, or as they call it in the land of milk and honey, the 4th of July or Independence Day. To be honest, it was a pretty slow day - not much happened. We had a district meeting, then got some lunch at Bojol Grill. It's OK, but it's the cheapest unlimited rice place here, so we eat there almost weekly (we are all rice addicts here). Then I got a haircut, went back home, dropped off my district meeting gear and switched into proselyting mode. We went out and contacted a couple of referrals (that's right referrals, we never get those) and then the entire Bohol dumped on us in the most torrential rainstorm ever. We managed to make it home by 8:30, but we found out we were stranded there and had no food. Our plan was to sleep in Tagbi but now were stuck at home and there weren't anymore buses that would take us back there. So Elder Rebojo texts the ZL's and says "come pick us up, we have no food". And the shocking thing is they totally did and bought food! So that's how I celebrated it. (It was killing me thinking about all the barbecue I missed out on, but its cool.)

Anyway, other highlights this week. We got a new President, President Schmutz. The Pinoys can not say it. It is hilarious. But the word on the street is he is very nice. I haven't actually met him yet, and I won't until Interviews roll around in a couple weeks. I'll miss President Hansen, but to be honest I can count on one and a half hands how many times I ever saw him. When you're not assigned on Cebu you don't really see a lot of other missionaries. Or people. Which brings me to the next bit of news. Elder Rebojo and I have been expecting a transfer since we've been together for a while, but we didn't know which one of us was going to go, so we are constantly telling members that one of us are going, but we got the call and we are sticking together for another 6 weeks. I'm very OK with that. He's a champ and we are very used to working with each other. So, Dauis will be by far my longest area.

Aside from that, life is simply rolling along.

Anyway the work is going really good right now to be honest, also we have a huge branch activity planned for later this week.
So be good, guys, cuz I love you, I sure do.
Stay Crazy.
Gugma Elder Abbott.

Monday, July 4, 2011

New Shoes

Dear Friends and Family, 

This week, ROCKED!

Starting from Wednesday, we had a district activity, and I finally got to see a Tarsier! And some other nice spots. 
Then we found a sweet new investigator, and his way inactive member friend, who are taking the lessons again. 
Friday, was slower, not much happened.
Saturday, We had a sweet caravan with the branch, finding and visiting inactive families. Then we had an effective kaayo coordination meeting. Our Branch Mission Leader is finally getting his act together. And we celebrated my 10-month mark. Also my shoes were busted, but instead of buying new shoes, with my zero $, I got them fixed for 60 pesos. What a steal!
Sunday, Katrina came to church again and loved it. She is getting baptized, so good. 
Monday, nice district meeting, fun FHE.
Tuesday, taught a ton of lessons, felt the spirit, almost cried during a lesson. (I'm a baby.) 
Then today, we played some fun basketball and are heading to the Chocolate hills!

Also, I heard Jimmer is a KING!!!! I'm way pumped! [Jimmer Freddette, BYU basketball star, was drafted by the NBA Sacramento Kings, Nik’s favorite NBA team.]

I love you a ton. Be good. Stay Crazy.
gugma Elder Abbotttttt

#1: This is me in front of the true church.
#2: Cortez District. (top:)E. Narona, Me, Elder Oliver, E. Gubb, E. Gallero,(bottom:) E. Buque, Sis. Akiatan, Sis. Fernandez, E. Narvasa, E.Rebojo

Fenway? I say, no way!

Dear Friends and Family,

Those Fenway Park pictures/story did trunk me way out. But I'll get over it. [Nik and his Dad share a love for baseball and Dad had a business trip to Boston (one reason these emails got delayed) during which he was able to catch a game at Fenway Park, Red Sox vs San Diego Padres.]
Also, before I forget Happy Father’s day! And Happy Birthday, Josh Anderson! I'm way jealous that Dad is in Boston, he is starting the baseball park roadtrip without me, but I can't blame you, what are you going to do - not visit Fenway Park when you’re in Boston? I really shouldn't be jealous since I'm living in the jungle island paradise of the Philippines. For example what did you have for breakfast today (this is a broad question to all readers not just my dad)? Mine was probably better. I had barbecued pork and lumpyia and this gulaman (fruit and gel and milk) from water buffalo milk. All for under 50 pesos. Thats a pretty everyday thing (maybe not everyday, we don't make it out for breakfast very often in Dauis). Also, later today I'm going to see a giant snake and the statue commemorating the infamous blood compact. This blood compact was a time when a Spanish settler and the leader of the tribe in Bohol cut themselves, mixed their blood with wine, and drank as a testament to Catholcism. It’s why Bohol is the way it is. But say what you will about Bohol, we finally got something to go!!!!! She is a friend of a member family and she has come to church a couple of times and finally we got to teach her and she is great. We came back last night and committed her for baptism on July 23rd. We are way pumped! It’s breathing life back into our work. Also, we visited the way rich old white guy that lives in the branch. The food was BOSS! The best was the kinilaw. Its raw fish in vinegar but the fish is way, way fresh, so it is way delicious. That was a highlight. Also we haven't had running water for a week now, so we take two trips into Tagbilaran every morning to take a shower and last night I was washing all my clothes until 12 AM. I really miss washing machines. 

Aside from that, the week was kind of boring, but I'm looking forward for our activity in about an hour. So I'm gonna go. My zone leader is punching me and telling me to go. Elder Gubb. He's from New Zealand. (that’s right mom).

Be Good. Stay Crazy.
Gugma Elder Abbott

China Vs. Philippines, 'There might be blood.'

Dear friends and family, 

Colton's mission call is nuts. [Colton Robinson has been called to the Vancouver British Columbia mission, Korean speaking] The Korean classes are on the same floor as the Cebuano classes in the MTC. I hear there is a 17 elder batch of Cebuano speakers getting ready to come in this September so they may be in the MTC with him. 
Sarah [Cowden] is going to San Bernardino, that’s way better than Fresno. Which reminds me I met a Mhong speaking elder in the MTC headed to Fresno, that’s just a little more obscure than Colton’s call. 
Dustin (Alameda) is the man, I love that guy. I wish I could have been there for his farewell talk. 
Did Josh get his call yet? 
As for my package, I can't really think of anything I need, don't bother sending Toilet Paper, or peeps. The toilet paper was used exclusively for a runny nose I had, and the peeps were covered in ants within 30 seconds of them coming out of the package (still in the plastic). Thats another infestation we have at the house, ants. The cockroaches have retreated but I still feel ants crawling all over me as I sleep. Things I do need though....  I'm okay with shirts and garments and all that. Just food and anything the spirit whispers to you to send. 

So lets talk about Bohol. 

This last week was a good one, because we got 2 referrals, which is unprecedented. One of them is a family! On the down side, the wife is way into it, beacuse she wants her husband to stop drinking. We aren't so sure how the husband feels about it. Then we got another one but we may not be able to teach her since her house is donated by a Catholic organization, so they are a little afraid to listen to other religions, no matter how true they may be. But one of the daughters is great she comes to a lot of FHE's and has a good ol' time. 
But aside from all that, our investigators are usually choosing to not investigate the church, so we do a lot of tracting and getting yelled at by Born-agains. 

So that’s how I'm doing (great!).

Hopefully you are all feeling the same. Also I can't tell if its a big deal or not in America, but a lot of Filipinos are freaking out that they might go to war against China (can you say massacre?) over some islands (lots of oil) in the south China Sea. I bring it up because a lot of Pinoys are saying America is going to hop in and fight with the Philippines. Please tell them that isn't true. 

I love you all a ton. Be good. Stay Crazy.
Gugma Elder Abbott